TVOC Detection Modules
High Resolution TVOC Gas Sensor Module, DC 4.8-5.2V
TVOC Gas Sensor Module Factory: High Resolution TVOC Detection Modules, Slow Rate of Decay, Gas Sensory Semiconductor Principle, DC 4.8-5.2V, TTL Interface.
PM1.0, PM2.5, CO2, TVOC, Humiture Detection Sensor
We Provide All-in-one Air Quality Detection modules, PM1.0, PM2.5, CO2, TVOC, and Humiture Temperature All-in-one Detection Sensors, with Response times ≤4s.
Multi-function Humidity Sensor, PM2.5, CO2, TVOC
We Provide Multi-function Humidity Sensors, Multi-function Air Quality Detection Modules, PM2.5, CO2, TVOC, 200 mA, Ripple <100 mV, 6.9 X 5.15 X 1.8 CM.
PM2.5 TVOC CO2 All In One Air Quality Detection Sensor
We Provide All-In-One Air Quality Detection Module, PM2.5 VOC CO2 Temperature and Humidity All In One Sensor Module, DC 5±0.5V, High Precision.
Air Quality Detection Sensor, PM2.5, CO2, TVOC, UART TTL
We Provide Air Quality Detection Sensors, Direct Wholesale Air Quality Detection Module Sensors, for PM2.5, CO2, VOC, UART TTL, etc, 45g.
Multi-function Air Quality Detection Module
We Provide Wholesale Multi-function Air Quality Detection Modules, Factory Wholesale Multi-function Sensor Modules, PM2.5, CO2, VOC, 200 mA, and 45g.
PM2.5 PM10 TVOC CO2 Formaldehyde Temperature Humidity Sensor
We Provide PM2.5 PM10 TVOC CO2 Formaldehyde Temperature Detectors, All-in-one Integrated Air Quality Detection Module, PM 1.0, PM2.5, CO2, TVOC, Humiture.
High Accuracy TVOC Sensor Module, 0-9.999 mg/m3
We Provide High Accuracy Multi-function TVOC sensors, High Accuracy Multi-function TVOC Sensor Modules, 0-9.999 mg/m3, VOC, 200 mA, UART TTL, 9600 bps.
High Resolution Air Quality TVOC Sensor
High-Resolution TVOC Air Quality Sensor Fabricator: High-Resolution TVOC Detection Sensor Module, Working Voltage 4.8-5.2V DC, 10g, CO, H2, CH2O, etc.
Hand-held TVOC Air Quality Detection Module
Hand-held TVOC Air Quality Detection Module Factory: Handheld TVOC Detectors, Testing CH2O, C6H6, CO, H2, C2H6O, NH3, Cigarette Smoke, Essence, etc.
Multifunction Air Quality TVOC Detection Module
Multifunction Air Quality TVOC Detection Module Manufacturer: Multifunction Air Quality Detection Modules, TVOC PM2.5 CO2 Detection, DC 5±0.5V.
The TVOC detection module uses special digital module acquisition technology and gas sensing technology, ensuring the high reliability and excellent stability of the products. And it also features low power consumption, high sensitivity, quick response, high stability and low cost, and can be applied to the fields of indoor household environmental monitoring, industrial emission monitoring, atmospheric environmental pollution monitoring, oil volatilization monitoring in gas stations, etc. The TVOC sensors provided by us, based on the semiconductor principle, can monitor formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, alcohol, ammonia and other gases with excellent integration, stability and sensitivity.